Wexler, JoyceUnknown
Springer International Publishing (Cham, Switzerland , 2021) (eng) English9783030868451Unknown1st ed.TERRORISM IN LITERATURE; UnknownThis book explores how the anarchist fiction of Joseph Conrad can help us understand terrorism today. Conrad undermines the popular view that terrorists are fanatics. He portrays anarchists and police as counterparts driven by the human desires for autonomy and affiliation, the need to control their own lives and to be part of a group. Postcritique encourages readers to consider the accuracy of such information, and research in Terrorism Studies confirms Conrad’s insights: his characters are more realistic and his political stance is more hopeful than critics have recognized.
Physical dimension
1 online resource (ix, 121 p.)UnknownUnknown
Summary / review / table of contents
1. Introduction: Terrorist Fiction, Terrorism Studies, and Postcritique
2. Conrads Anarchist Tales
3. The Secret Agent: Terrorists and Counterterrorists
4. Under Western Eyes: Revolutionists and Informers
5. Conclusion: Reading Conrad Now