Designing An Animated Video "Tangan Penolong"

Esther Bethania Ay Audio Visual Designing an Animated Video “Tangan Penolong”. Teenagers’ mental health and personality development are gravely impacted by the effects of a broken household. Teenagers experiencing broken homes tend to dismiss their educational needs, often absent without leave. These youths must receive adequate supervision at home and school, as they are left in a severely vulnerable state and need support everywhere they go. The absence of support in their environment could severely impact their mentality, affecting their future life and how they would operate in society. As a remedy, a medium in a video format is to be formulated to engage and spread awareness to other teenagers to assist someone with broken homes. By implementing a 5W+1H technique to process data obtained via the Internet, literature studies, and the experiences of the parties concerned, The result is that broken home situations do occur among teenagers today and their peers are people who can help. Therefore, with this short, animated video, teenagers can better understand that they could lead the change in someone else’s life. Keywords: Broken home, friend, teenagers, animation

ESTHER BETHANIA AY Daniel Kurniawan, S.Sn., M.Med.Com (Advisor 1); JACKY CAHYADI, S.Sn. (Advisor 2); Bing Bedjo Tanudjaja (Examination Committee 1); Ryan Pratama Sutanto, S.Sn., M.Med.Com (Examination Committee 2) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis Audio Visual dan Animasi Skripsi No. 00200011/IPDM/2024; Esther Bethania Ay (E12200002) ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS; ANIMATED VIDEOS; VISUAL COMMUNICATION; GRAPHIC ARTS
