The meanings of kretek in Ratih Kumala’s novel Gadis Kretek

This study examines how characters in Ratih Kumala’s novel Gadis Kretek ascribe meanings to kretek, a culturally significant Indonesian clove cigarette. Drawing upon Stuart Hall’s theories of culture and representation, the study analyzes how the main characters, Idroes Moeria, Soeraja, Tegar, Jeng Yah, and Soedjagad, ascribe meanings to kretek based on their personal experiences, social positions, and cultures. The findings reveal that kretek is seen as a tool for social mobility by Idroes and Soeraja, while for Tegar and Jeng Yah, kretek is viewed as a tool for preserving the family legacy. Conversely, Soedjagad views kretek as a tool for competition. These different meanings show that kretek can mean different things to different people, depending on their personal experiences and social-cultural backgrounds.

SHINTIA ADININGSIH WIGATI Jenny Mochtar Djundjung (Advisor 1); Drs. Setefanus Suprajitno, M.A., Ph.D. (Examination Committee 1); Liliek Soelistyo (Examination Committee 2) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis A Critical Thesis A Critical Thesis No. 01012419/ING/2024; Shintia Adiningsih Wigati (A11200067) CIGARETTE INDUSTRY--FICTION; CULTURAL STUDIES; SOCIAL CHANGE
