Magnanimity: a screenplay exploring the unconditional forgiveness

This creative thesis focuses on unconditional forgiveness. This creative work aims to explore how a son can hate his father so badly. The first theory, Parental Alienation Syndrome, answers how the son can despise the father. It talks about how a child can hate a certain parent because of one parent's insult to the other. The child who suffers from it has eight symptoms that distinguish them from other children. Furthermore, this creative work also wants to explore how a son eventually can forgive his father without repentance. This creative thesis uses the Process Model of Forgiveness to explain the process of how someone can forgive without the perpetrator’s repentance. Both theories will be applied in the creative work, which is a screenplay. The screenplay will tell the story of a man who is haunted by his anger towards his father ever since the separation of his parents, he is a victim of Parental Alienation Syndrome. In the creative work, the main character will have the first three symptoms of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Moreover, in the creative work, the main character will go through each phase of the Process of Model Forgiveness until he forgives the father.

ALVIN GABRIEL JOADIANTO Ribut Basuki (Advisor 1); Stefanny Irawan, S.S., M.A. (Advisor and Examination Committee); BERNADETH FEBYOLA LINANDO, S.S.,M.A. (Examination Committee 1) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis A Creative Thesis A Creative Thesis No. 01012411/ING/2024; Alvin Gabriel Joadianto (A11190009) FORGIVENESS; MOTION PICTURE PLAYS--STUDY AND TEACHING; SCREENPLAYS
