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How to grow fresh air: 50 houseplants that purify your home or office

Wolverton, B. C. Valtokari, Ville Penguin Group Inc. (New York, 1997) (eng) English 9780140262438 Unknown Unknown INDOOR AIR POLLUTION; First published in Great Britain as Eco-friendly houseplants by George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd 1996.; Recommends house plants that help filter the air of indoor pollutants, including formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia.

Physical dimension
144.p 24 cm. ill.

Summary / review / table of contents

1. Indoor Air Pollution --
2. The Living Biosphere --
3. How Houseplants Purify the Air --
4. A Grower's Guide --
5. The Plants.

Access no. Call number Location Status
00115/16 635.965 Wol H Library - 7th Floor Available