Kennelly, Peter J.Botham, Kathleen M.
McGraw-Hill (New York, 2023) (eng) English9781264795673Unknownthirty-second editionBIOCHEMISTRY--PERIODICALS;MOLECULAR BIOLOGY;Includes bibliographical references and index; Harper Biochemistry 32nd Edition, the book still serves its original purpose of providing a succinct overview of the areas of biochemistry most relevant to the study of medicine.
This Harper Biochemistry 32nd Edition book with a focus on medicine is now in its 83rd year of being printed. Harper’s Biochemistry has seen contributions from a wide range of authors. The most recent edition of Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry was written by Victor W. Rodwell, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, and P. Anthony Weil. It was published by Tata-McGraw Hill.
Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry, now in its 32nd edition, continues to place an emphasis on the signi?cance of biochemistry for the investigation of disease, the elucidation of disease mechanisms, and the enhancement of clinical care.
The study of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student needs to master in order to be successful in medical school is presented in a clear, concise, and condensed manner in Harper's, with an emphasis on a visual presentation and numerous examples that have direct application to clinical practice.
The 58 individual chapters of this book each devote signi?cant space to discussing in depth how biochemistry applies to medical practice. Some chapters have been rearranged and enlarged, such as Chapter 6's discussion of how the Bohr e?ect aids in CO2 transport and release in the lungs and Chapter 9's treatment of zymogen activation in enzyme control.