Advances in intelligent systems and computing II
: selected papers from the international conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017, September 5-8 Lviv, Ukraine
UnknownShakhovska, Natalia
Springer International Publishing (Cham, Switzerland , 2018) (eng) English9783319705811Advances in intelligent systems and computing1st ed. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY; UnknownThis book reports on new theories and applications in the field of intelligent systems and computing. It covers computational and artificial intelligence methods, as well as advances in computer vision, current issues in big data and cloud computing, computation linguistics, and cyber-physical systems. It also reports on data mining and knowledge extraction technologies, as well as central issues in intelligent information management. Written by active researchers, the respective chapters are based on papers presented at the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2017), held on September 5–8, 2017, in Lviv, Ukraine; and at two workshops accompanying the conference: one on inductive modeling, jointly organized by the Lviv Polytechnic National University and the National Academy of Science of Ukraine; and another on project management, which was jointly organized by the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the International Project Management Association, the Ukrainian Project Management Association, the Kazakhstan Project Management Association, and Nazarbayev University. Given its breadth of coverage, the book provides academics and professionals with extensive information and a timely snapshot of the field of intelligent systems, and is sure to foster new discussions and collaborations among different groups.