Bowker, LynneBuitrago Ciro, Jairo
Emerald Group Publishing Limited (Bingley, UK, 2019) (eng) English9781787567214UnknownUnknownMACHINE TRANSLATING; Emerald Business Management and Economics Ebooks 2019; Includes bibliographical references and index; Lynne Bowker and Jairo Buitrago Ciro introduce the concept of machine translation literacy, a new kind of literacy for scholars and librarians in the digital age. This book is a must-read for researchers and information professionals eager to maximize the global reach and impact of any form of scholarly work.
Physical dimension
online resource (xiii, 111 p.)UnknownUnknown
Summary / review / table of contents
1. Scholarly Communication
2. Machine Translation
3. Expanding the Reach of Knowledge Through Translation-Friendly Writing
4. Some Wider Implications of Using Machine Translation for Scholarly Communication
5. Towards a Framework for Machine Translation Literacy