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The Production manual

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Ambrose, Gavin Harris, Paul Fairchild Books (London, 2018) (eng) English 9781474223584 Unknown 2nd ed. PRINTING--DATA PROCESSING; Unknown From the basics such as working with typography through using images and working with color, exploring different pre-press techniques and the processes involved in bringing a product to press and with a resulting pleasing end product, the authors present everything that the reader needs to know in a straightforward and visually strong way. This new edition completely updates the information on the production process, highlighting new techniques and expanding its coverage on digital technologies. In addition, new interviews will be included from design studios using creative or unique production techniques. Since students may eventually be working with international clients, the authors will include both metric and imperial measurements so that students will become familiar with the differences. Expanded coverage of environmental and sustainability issues, especially as they relate to paper choice and use of special processes/inks has also been added.

Physical dimension
1 online resource (208 p.) Unknown ill.

Summary / review / table of contents

Front matter

1. Typography 9–35

2. Images 36–67

3. Color 68–107

4. Pre-press 108–133

5. Production 134–169

6. Finishing 170–194

Back matter

Access no. Call number Location Status
00197/21 686.22 Amb P Online Available