Kitchen system daily operation focused in Indonesian restaurant "Anak Depok"

This thesis is written to complete my final examination of Hotel Management
Bachelor Degree. The purpose of the thesis is to examine about a good kitchen
system in daily operational, which is focused in Indonesian Restaurant Anak Depok in Den Dolder. This subject is chosen because Anak Depok is a famous restaurant with fully booked reservation almost every night, but Anak Depok has a problem with their kitchen system, especially the leader in the kitchen who is responsible to organize the kitchen. Qualitative research has been conducted. This qualitative research is divided in two parts. The first part is the literature review about the concept of kitchen system for daily operational. This part is important to give a clear understanding about, kitchen operation and how to deal with it. The second part is an observation, interview and question list to the key person in Anak Depok, who has an important connection with the kitchen department. These two parts will be conducted to get the best understanding about what happen with the kitchen system in Anak Depok, and after that an evaluation and a conclusion is taken to give some input about what should the restaurant do to fixed the problem.

IVAN KAMARUDDIN HENK BRUINS (Advisor 1) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis Skripsi No.003/EP-IHM/2001, Ivan Kamaruddin (33496019) ACHEBE, CHINUA, 1930 - ... ARROW OF GOD-STUDY AND TEACHING; RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT
