User satisfaction using Webqual instrument: a research on stock exchange of Thailand (SET)

User satisfaction held an important position in an organization to measure information system
implementation excellence. Therefore, it is necessary for an organization to evaluate their delivered
service using end-user satisfaction as feedback. The objectives of this study are to evaluate user
satisfaction and examine the dimensions of WEBQUAL instrument which are valued by e-library user
in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This research conducted under WEBQUAL theory (Barnes and
Vidgen) and end-user satisfaction theory (Doll and Torkzadeh). Analysis organized from a set of data
which involve 341 responses from e-library systems end-users confirm some degree of positive
association between WEBQUAL dimensions and end-user satisfaction.

Josua Tarigan Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Akuntansi dan keuangan, Vol. 10, No. 1, MEI 2008: 34-47; Josua Tarigan (04-025) CONSUMER SATISFACTION; MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM
