In the present, management has transformed radically from traditional change into Total Quality Management (TQM) which stresses on organizational excellences such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, competency and human resources. This research is an evaluation of TQM application held by a sugar factory, Candi Baru
Sidoarjo through its program namely Gugus Kendali Mutu (GKM It is program of TQM at which it serves as an approach to endeavor its workers to have perception at different stages about different qualities. In addition, this is based on an analysis of job satisfaction of the workers, which is focused on woek charecteristics such as skill variation, job description, autonomy and feedback. From the results, it is concluded that human recources (workers), equipments or instruments being used as well as available period of time has positive relationship,
especially between job satisfaction and skill variation. Other indicators, such as work flow and work result which are evaluated by the workers themselves as well as by their coworkers, have positive relationship between job satisfaction and job description. Furthermore, cooperation among workers within the same division having different levels of position has positive relationship between job satisfaction and job significance. In general, GKM implication in endeavoring the workers has positive impact towards worker satisfaction in sugar factory like Candi Baru Sidoarjo.