Error analysis in the teaching of English

The main purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of error analysis in the
teaching of English as a foreign language. Although errors are bad things in learning
English as a foreign language, error analysis is advantageous for both learners and
teachers. For learners, error analysis is needed to show them in what aspect in
grammar which is difficult for them, where as for teachers, it is required to evaluate
themselves whether they are successful or not in teaching English.
In this article, the writer presented some English sentences containing grammatical
errors. These grammatical errors were analyzed based on the theories presented by the
linguists. This analysis aimed at showing the students the causes and kinds of the
grammatical errors. By this way, the students are expected to increase their
knowledge on the English grammar.

SUNARDI HASYIM Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Sastra Inggris Volume 4, Number 1, June 2002: 42 - 50; Sunardi Hasyim (NA00000255) LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGES-STUDY AND TEACHING-ERROR ANALYSIS; ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ERRORS OF USAGE
