Humanistic strategies in the EFL speaking Class

This paper focuses on the humanistic strategies woven into the EFL speaking class
activities. The speaking class, which the writer used for her study, is the highest level
of speaking course offered in the curriculum of the English Department of Petra
Christian University, to develop students? English speaking skills, particularly in public
The humanistic strategies are based on the assumption that a ?supportive and co-operative
group atmosphere? ((Hadfield, 1995, p.15) will enhance learning to bring out
the best of the students. The primary aims are to help the students, through active
participation, to develop more positive feelings about themselves and their classmates,
to co-operate and support each other to grow and excel at their speech performance.
Based on the students? evaluation and the teacher?s observation of the students? public
speech performance and their academic achievement, it can be concluded that the
humanistic strategies have created a co-operative and supportive group atmosphere
and has given positive effects on the students? speech performance. This is also a
rewarding experience for the teacher.

Josefa Juniarti Mardijono Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Sastra Inggris Volume 3, Number 2, December 2001: 92 - 108; Josefa Juniarti Mardijono (76-012) ENGLISH LANGUAGE-SPOKEN ENGLISH
