Communicative listening in the language laboratory

Language laboratory actually is advantageous for ESL teaching-learning process. In
the language lab, students can improve their language skill, especially their listening
skill, since most of the activities done there deal with listening comprehension.
However, ESL students often feel bored when they study at the language lab because
they only do monotonous activities there. Thus, teacher should make a lively lab
atmosphere through interactive listening; that is, by creating communicative listening
tasks for the students. Through this communicative listening tasks, students will not
only listen, but also interact with either the teacher or the other students so that they
feel as if they do the real life listening. These communicative listening tasks will also
help students to improve both their proficiency in language components (vocabulary
and pronunciation) and in language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Dr. Dra. Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma, M.Pd. Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Sastra Inggris Volume 3, Number 2, December 2001: 73 - 82; Nani Indrajani Tiono (84-001) LISTENING
