Keunggulan bersaing koperasi berkaitan dengan penerapan intellectual capital, manajemen keanggotaan dan partisipasi anggota

The objectives of this study were to determine intellectual capital application, membership management
and member participation effects in Cooperative competitive advantage. Questionnaires were distributed to
208 respondents. The Successive Intervals method was used in order to convert ordinal scale of measurement
to be interval measurement level. The Research model was a path analysis and the results of this study
showed that the intellectual capital, membership management and member participation simultaneously and
partially affected competitive advantage.

DWI GEMINA ; SAMSURI; INDRA CAHYA KUSUMA Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JMK, VOL. 15, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2013, 191-204; Dwi Gemina (NA00404805), Samsuri (NA00405116) dan Indra Cahya Kusuma (NA00405117) Unknown
