Model penciptaan lapangan kerja melalui pengembangan ekonomi lokal dan Kecamatan Samarinda Ilir

This study was conducted in 13 villages in the district with the object Samarinda Ilir the business potential. The goal of this study is to identify the potential resource of the local economy that highly attractive, competitive and potentially to create jobs. Data were collected through focus group discussion with the community. The analysis method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the economically productive featured most likely to create jobs is trade, home industry and services and agriculture.

INDAH MARTATI; SUMINTO; ANDI SYARIFUDDIN Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JMK, VOL. 15, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2013, 123-130; Indah Martati (NA00405108), Suminto (NA00405110) dan Andi Syarifuddin (NA00405111) Unknown
