Menuju manufaktur berkelanjutan di Indonesia: tantangan dan kesempatan"

Global competitivenes have stimulated Indonesia to improve its economy. Therefore,
the Indonesian government aims to improve industry competitiveness through sustainable
development and increasing added value. This is stated in the Masterplan for Acceleration and
Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development. One of the method to answer the globalisation
challenge is by implementing sustainable manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing begins
with lean manufacturing, cleaner production and life cycle assessment by considering health and
safety of employee, customer, and the society. There are challenges in implementing sustainable
manufacturing. There are also varied indicators for organisation’s sustainability. However, all of
them are based on the triple bottom line, which are economy, social and environmental. This
paper will discuss how sustainable manufacturing is viewed from three perspectives, based on
industry, government and academics, especially in Indonesia.

JESSICA HANAFI Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Teknik Industri, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2015,123-132; JESSICA HANAFI (NA00404779) Unknown
