Reconstructing Womanhood in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Tony Morrison's fifth novel, Beloved (1987), explores the degradation of slavery imposed upon
slaves, even when they were owned by a "humane" slave master. The novel is set in the Reconstruction
period, the period after the American civil war. The word reconstruction may be used for the Afro-Americans,
especially for the Afro-American women who face double discrimination for being black
and women. In dealing with women's oppression, Afro-American women have to reconstruct
themselves as an act of survival, and to be aware of the horrors of the experiences which their
ancestors had to go through.

Drs. Setefanus Suprajitno, M.A., Ph.D. Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Kata Volume 2, No. 2, December 2000: 60-64; Setefanus Suprajitno (92-020) AMERICAN FICTION-20TH CENTURY-STUDY AND TEACHING; MORRISON, TONI, 1931- ... BELOVED-STUDY AND TEACHING
