The aim of this research is to analysis : 1) How far the ability influence to performance. 2) How far the
Job Motivation influence to performancet. 3) How far the role perception influence to performance. 4) How
far the performance influence to job satisfaction. The analysis unit is the manager of BRI Malang. The data
had been collected by using questionnare with 150 managers as respondents, and the populations about 240
managers. The data collected technique had been done by using interview and also observation technique.
There are 48 questions in each questionnare. To test the influence have to use the instrument of structure
equetion modeling by using the analysis of moment structures version 4.01 program. Research result : 1) The
ability influence to performence. 2) The job motivation influence to performance. 2) The role perception
influence to performance. 4) The performance influence to job satisfaction.