Numerical simulation of threat-independent progressive collapse

A threat-independent approach is usually utilized for progressive collapse analysis of
buildings. This approach is referenced in the current guidelines such as ?Progressive Collapse
Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization
Projects? by the U.S. General Service Administration and ?Design of Buildings to Resist
Progressive Collapse? by the U.S. Department of Defence. However, more studies are required to
accurately observe the influence of structural parameters to the response of structures in
progressive collapse phenomenon. A parametric study was conducted using advanced nonlinear
finite element analysis to assess the utility of the procedures in these documents. The results of
the numerical simulations show that a variation of the beam dimensions moderately affects the
dynamic load factor. The load factor increases as the beam dimensions increase. Other
parameters such as the column dimensions, number of storeys and span lengths, have only
negligible effects on the value of the dynamic load factor.

ELVIRA, E.; MENDIS, P.; WHITTAKER, A. Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Civil Engineering Dimension, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2011, 29-36; Elvira, E. (NA00404166), Mendis, P. (NA00404165), Whittaker, A. (NA00404164) BUILDINGS; STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
