Development of finite difference method applied to consolidation analysis of analysis of embankments

This study presents the development of the finite difference method applied to consolidation analysis
of embankments. To analyse the consolidation of the embankment as real as possible, the finite
difference method in two dimensional directions was performed. Existing soils under embankments
have varying stresses due to stress history and geological background. Therefore, Skempton?s
parameter "A" which is a function of vertical stresses was taken into account in this study. Two case
studies were chosen to verify the proposed method. It is found out that results obtained from the
proposed method agree with either recorded data or results solved using another solution.

VIPMAN TANDJIRIA Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Dimensi Teknik Sipil Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1999 : 73 - 80; Vipman Tandjiria (98-046) Unknown
