Implementing fuzzy logic in determining selling price

The determination of the price should meet certain criteria, both from the society and the company itself.
The combination of various criteria will result in another problem. Fuzzy Logic covers all influencing factors
and displays the membership function graphic. Furthermore, by implementing fuzzy rules and fuzzy
operator, the right price can be determined which covers all the factors above. The determination of the rules
is based on the raw material cost, direct labor cost, distribution cost and the customers? opinion regarding the
appropriate price. Then, the model is designed with the help of Matlab software. The result is finally obtained
in the form of a model performed by Matlab software. The model displays the output concerning the selling
price of the product for each change in the dominant factors.

Danny Prabowo Soetanto Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol.2, No.1, Juni 2000: 42 - 52; Danny Prabowo Soetanto (97-004) MARKETING
