Relationship between corporate identity and corporate reputation: a case of Malaysian Higher Education sector

Organizations need corporate identity for survival. This identity is developing through the projection of one
positive image that will increase its public confidence about the quality and achievements of the organization. This paper
attempts to identify corporate identity and reputations of Universiti Utara Malaysia from its future prospective clients.
Specifically, this research test the relationship between corporate identity and corporate reputation based on a Malaysian
higher education sector. Further tests were conducted to identify which corporate identity component will be a significant
predictor of corporate reputation. It reveals that there is significant positive relationship between corporate identity and
corporate reputation.

BAHTIAR MOHAMAD; HASSAN ABU BAKAR; NIK ADZRIEMAN ABDUL RAHMAN Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 2, No. 2, Oktober 2007: 81-89; Bahtiar Mohamad (NA00000726), Hassan Abu Bakar (NA00000727), Nik Adzrieman Abdul Rahman (NA00000728) COMMUNICATION IN MANAGEMENT; CORPORATE IMAGE-CASE STUDIES
