Cultivation theory sebuah perspektif teoritik dalam analisis televisi

Cultivation analysis focused attention on television viewing of general
consequences of television audience in a long period of time. Cultivation theory strove
to understand and explain television dynamics as characteristic and strength of
dominant cultures nowadays. Cultivation analysis applied a survey instrument that
administratively represented respondents. Responses of television viewing were
analyzed using variables of demography including gender, age, race, education,
income, and political views (liberal, moderate, and conservative). The cultivation
analysis was a part of cultural indicators in a project research of Gerbner and his
colleagues in which cultural indicators were data about reports related to reality
conceptions through television viewing on any particular program.
In other words, violence behavior as shown in television was reflection of
events around us. If the violence acts reflected legal rules that could not cope with
situations as depicted in television acts, it could be the real ones. Violence that was
presented on television considered as violence that took place in the world. The
applicable legal rules to cope with criminal behaviors presented on television could be
stated such as the case with our laws. Analysis of television cultivation therewith
provided cultural homogenization or cultivation both in mainstreaming and resonance.

Ido Prijana Hadi Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Ilmiah SCRIPTURA, Vol. 1 No.1 Januari 2007; Ido Prijana Hadi (96-022) MASS MEDIA
