The main paradigm of the sociology of social facts, definitions of social and social behavior actually tried to explain the tug
individual or known by the actors and the public, including the structure in it. The question was whether individuals who
affect the structure or structures dominate the individual, so it has no other choice to act. There were other approaches that
are radical in the sense of rejecting prablization orthodoxies 'structural functionalism' which became mainstrem, stamp
given to the synthesis of Talcott Parson on organisms Durkheim and Weber's Theory of Social Action mendiminasi
social theory after the Second World War, namely phenomenology. The world-life in the sense of Husserl mostly means
that, as humans live in a world of spontaneity as a base act of communication between subjects. This is a life-world elements
that make up the everyday of our reality, the elements of the world that everyday we live & involved it before reflected and
theorized philosophically. Phenomenology considered communication as a process of dividing the personal experiences
through dialogue or conversation. Phenomenology is different disciplines of but still have a relationship with the discipline in
the field of philosophy, such as ontology, epistemology, logic and ethics. The differences of knowledge discovery on
phenomenology is rule out all theories, opinions and views are already known by every one, in purpose to capture the pure
essence. As a measuring is inter-subjective truth, knowledge truth if to explore the meaning behind the phonemenon
neomenon towards meta-theory and meta-science. The step methods used are (1) Phenomenological Reduction, (2) Eidetic
Reduction, (3) Transcendental Reduction. This article will describe a state of the art of phenomenology in question, which is
an explanation of the history of the emergence of a theory, the development on the basis of the translation by the theories that
come next and its evolutions.