Perbandingan aplikasi menggunakan metode camellia 128 bit key dan 256 bit key

The rapid development of the Internet today to easily exchange data. This leads to high levels of risk in the data piracy. One of the ways to secure data is using cryptography camellia. Camellia is known as a method that has the encryption and decryption time is fast. Camellia method has three kinds of scale key is 128 bit, 192 bit, and 256 bit.This application is created using the C++ programming language and using visual studio 2010 GUI. This research compare the smallest and largest key size used on the file extension .Txt, .Doc, .Docx, .Jpg, .Mp4, .Mkv and .Flv. This application is made to comparing time and level of security in the use of 128-bit key and 256 bits. The comparison is done by comparing the results of the security value of avalanche effect 128 bit key and 256 bit key.

Gregorius Satiabudhi; Leo Willyanto Santoso; LANNY SUTANTO Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Informatika, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2014, 109-116; Lanny SUtanto (NA00405038), Gregorius Satiabudi (02-030) dan Lei Willyanto (03-023) Unknown
