Colonial and traditional urban space in Java: a morphological study of ten cities

Most of morphological studies of cities in Java tended to place the elements of traditional urban space – such as Alun-alun, Mosque, Palace and Market – as the main elements of city. Other elements such as the colonial urban space – Resident Office, Fort, Church, Park and so on – are often considered separately or placed as a complementary part. Through a morphological study by exploring ten cities in Java, I found both elements of traditional and colonial urban space were set in a unique and various pattern. There are some findings indicating that the elements of colonial urban space significantly influence the city structure as well as those of the traditional ones. Therefore, understanding the urban space form in Java should include and put elements of both of traditional and colonial urban space as an integral part.

Rony Gunawan; IKAPUTRA; NINDYO SOEWARNO; SETIAWAN BAKTI Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), Vol. 40, No. 2 December 2013, 77-88; Rony Gunawan (03-031), Soewarno Nindyo (NA00000584), Ikpautra (NA00000558) dan Setiawan Bakti (NA00404945) Unknown
