The Application of evidence based design in emergency room of public hospital of Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro

The Hospital facilities built under Evidence Based Design (EBD) will create a safe and comfortable environment, lower the nosocomial infection, quicken the patient recovery, lower the treatment cost, and improve staffs’ performance. The emergency room of public hospital of Dr.R.Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro needs to be redesigned because the existing design does not meet physical safety. The reparation should refer to Facilities and Safety Management (FMS), Indonesian regulation, EBD concept and benchmarking to RSCM Jakarta considered as an application sample. This research applies case study with descriptive single case study design. The result of the research shows that reparation should be done that includes site and location, building components, and rooms lay out. The width of the rooms should meet minimal standard. The placing of triage room and resuscitation should be in the front area. Sinks should be located near the entrance of every room. The isolation and decontamination rooms should be provided.

NOERKAYATIN; DEWI; UTARINI Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra English eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Vol. 42, No. 1, July 2015, 15-24; Noerkayatin (NA00404712), Dewi (NA00404713), dan Utarini (NA00404714) Unknown
