Optimasi pola penyusunan barang dalam ruang tiga dimensi menggunakan metode genetic algorithms

The good arrangement pattern in the three dimension space, for example container,
must be made as optimal as possible to keep the dispatch cost down. Genetic algorithms as the
solution search methods which depends on the natural selection to get an individual with the best
gene arrangement, is able to give the solution towards how the good arrangement pattern is
optimized through iteration process until some generations with reproduction, crossover, and
mutation operators. By inserting some input such as the space and goods specification, and the
probability of the three genetic algorithms operator, the optimization process will look for the
good arrangement pattern based on fitness or the best grade, that is the fewer empty space left.

Kartika Gunadi; Irwan Kristanto Julistiono; BENY HARIYANTO Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 4, No. 1, Mei 2003: 15 - 19; Kartika Gunadi (88-004), Irwan Kristanto ( 98-018) dan Beny Hariyanto (NA00404692) Unknown
