Activity-based costing dan simulated annealing untuk pencarian rute pada flexible manufacturing systems

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a manufacturing system that is formed
from several Numerical Controlled Machines combine with material handling system, so that
different jobs can be worked by different machines sequences. FMS combine the high productivity
and flexibility of Transfer Line and Job Shop manufacturing system.
In this reasearch, Activity-Based Costing(ABC) approach was used as the weight to search the
operation route in the proper machine, so that the total production cost can be optimized. The
search method that was used in this experiment is Simulated Annealling, a variant form Hill
Climbing Search method. An ideal operation time to proses a part was used as the annealling
From the empirical test, it could be proved that the use of ABC approach and Simulated
Annealing to search the route (routing process) can optimize the Total Production Cost. In the
other hand, the use of ideal operation time to process a part as annealing schedule can control the
processing time well.

Gregorius Satiabudhi Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 4, No. 1, Mei 2003: 39 - 48; Gregorius S. Budhi Unknown
