Perencanaan dan pembuatan perangkat lunak untuk mereduksi deskripsi linguistik dalam rule fuzzy

In every application that uses fuzzy system, there is always some numerical data
which come from the fuzzy system itself. Those data called the fuzzy rule are useful to determine the fuzzy term from each fuzzy variable. Generally, the numbers of fuzzy rule are almost unlimited. Since the fuzzy rule consists of the numerical data, it will be difficult to interpret the fuzzy rule. Hence, linguistic description is required to interpret the rule. Linguistic description can be defined as the process of changing from numerical data to alphabetical letters that enable the system maker to understand the rule. However, even though the rule has become the linguistic description, the numbers of rules are still huge. Consequently, the difficulty in interpreting the rule will still happen for the next fuzzy process. Eventually, certain method is demanded to turn the process become more simple. The process of producing this program is aimed to give the reader some ideas of how to turn the linguistic description on fuzzy rule to become more simple. Generally, the program will produce the process of interpreting the linguistic description and turn them by using two choices of algorithms afterward.
The result of this program will be in the form of table that contains the linguistic description already been turned to be more simple.

Agustinus Noertjahyana Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2001: 68 - 71; Agustinus Noertjahyana Unknown
