Penerapan arsitektur multi-tier dengan scom dalam suatu sistem informasi

Information System implementation using two-tier architecture result lack in several
critical issues : reuse component, scalability, maintenance, and data security. The multi-tiered client/server architecture provides a good resolution to solve these problems that using DCOM technology . The software is made by using Delphi 4 Client/Server Suite and Microsoft SQL Server V 7.0 as a database server software. The multi-tiered application is partitioned into thirds. The first is client application which provides presentation services. The second is server application which
provides application services, and the third is database server which provides database
services. This multi-tiered application software can be made in two model. They are Client/Server Windows model and Client/Server Web model with ActiveX Form Technology. In this research is found that making multi-tiered architecture with using DCOM technology can provide many benefits such as, centralized application logic in middle-tier, make thin client application, distributed load of data process in several machines, increases security with the ability in hiding data, dan fast maintenance without installing database drivers in every client.

HELIMAN PRASETYA TANTAMA; Kartika Gunadi; Irwan Kristanto Julistiono Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2001: 62 - 67; Kartika Gunardi (88-004), Irwan Kristanto Julistiono (98-018), Heliman Prasetya Tantama (23493082) Unknown
