Penentuan rute antar kota yang efisien dengan menggunakan analisa data geografik

Finding a path between cities is look like a simple thing but its also seems
complicated because there are many costs which is influence the path finding.
In Geographic Information System, an object from a map have information which is use to analysis many things. One of them is spatial data analysis, which is a modelling proses, manipulating and interpretation information about a feature geographic. This spatial data analysis is using grid, which is data model raster with two dimension which is group of pixels, where each cell containing a value, called weighted cell. Using euclidean algorithm which include weight of grid, without notice the direction of the path, can make the best effisien path with leact cost path analysis.

SILVIA ROSTIANINGSIH Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2001: 79 - 82; Silvia Rostianingsih (01043) Unknown
