The Verdical mental maps as an input for the urban design process: a case study of the town of Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
This study examines the veridicality of the mental maps of 100 residents of the town of Gianyar. In this
case the veridicality measured was the level of accuracy of the Balinese worldview and cosmology captured by
the mental maps. The information is useful for the urban design purposes, particularly as inputs in the
maintenance of the cultural continuity of the Balinese urban environments.
T. NIRARTA SAMADHI UnknownUniversitas Kristen PetraEnglish
eDIMENSI JournalUnknownDimensi Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 29, No. 2, Desember 2001: 151 - 156; T. Nirarta Samadhi (NA00000306)